Try Hack Me
I spent a lot of time stuck on some questions that I just didn't understand due to English not being my native language. As a result, I would like to share the correct answers to THM rooms that I have already completed to help other learners on their learning journey, when they feel stucked.
Misunderstanding a question can be a frustrating and discouraging experience for learners. However, providing a correct answer in such situations can be a useful strategy to help learners overcome their initial confusion and gain a clearer understanding of the topic.
This learning path will teach you the pre-requisite technical knowledge to get started in cyber security. To attack or defend any technology, you have to first learn how this technology works.
The Pre-Security learning path is a beginner friendly and fun way to learn the basics. Your cyber security learning journey starts here!
Introduction to Cyber Security
Network Fundamentals
How the Web Works
Linux Fundamentals
Windows Fundamentals