Linux Fundamentals part 2
What directional arrow key would we use to navigate down the manual page?
What flag would we use to display the output in a "human-readable" way?
How would you create the file named "newnote"?
touch newnote
On the deployable machine, what is the file type of "unknown1" in "tryhackme's" home directory?
ASCII text
How would we move the file "myfile" to the directory "myfolder"
mv myfile myfolder
What are the contents of this file?
On the deployable machine, who is the owner of "important"?
What would the command be to switch to the user "user2"?
su user2
Output the contents of "important", what is the flag?
What is the directory path that would we expect logs to be stored in?
What root directory is similar to how RAM on a computer works?
Name the home directory of the root user