Linux Fundamentals part 1
Research: What year was the first release of a Linux operating system?
If we wanted to output the text "TryHackMe", what would our command be?
echo TryHackMe
What is the username of who you're logged in as on your deployed Linux machine?
On the Linux machine that you deploy, how many folders are there?
Which directory contains a file?
What is the contents of this file?
Hello World
Use the cd command to navigate to this file and find out the new current working directory. What is the path?
Use grep on "access.log" to find the flag that has a prefix of "THM". What is the flag?
Use the cd command to navigate to this file and find out the new current working directory. What is the path?
If we wanted to run a command in the background, what operator would we want to use?
If I wanted to replace the contents of a file named "passwords" with the word "password123", what would my command be?
echo password123 > passwords
Now if I wanted to add "tryhackme" to this file named "passwords" but also keep "passwords123", what would my command be
echo tryhackme >> passwords