Who acquired Velociraptor?
Using the documentation, how would you launch an Instant Velociraptor on Windows?
Velociraptor.exe gui
What is the hostname for the client?
What is listed as the agent version?
In the Collected tab, what was the VQL command to query the client user accounts?
LET Generic_Client_Info_Users_0_0=SELECT Name, Description, Mtime AS LastLogin FROM Artifact.Windows.Sys.Users()
In the Collected tab, check the results for the PowerShell whoami command you executed previously. What is the column header that shows the output of the command?
In the Shell, run the following PowerShell command Get-Date. What was the PowerShell command executed with VQL to retrieve the result?
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -encodedCommand RwBlAHQALQBEAGEAdABlAA==
Earlier you created a new artifact collection for Windows.KapeFiles.Targets. You configured the parameters to include Ubuntu artifacts. Review the parameter description for this setting. What is this parameter specifically looking for?
Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux
Review the output. How many files were uploaded?
Which accessor can access hidden NTFS files and Alternate Data Streams? (format: xyz accessor)
ntfs accessor
Which accessor provides file-like access to the registry? (format: xyz accessor)
registry accessor
What is the name of the file in $Recycle.Bin?
There is hidden text in a file located in the Admin's Documents folder. What is the flag?
What is followed after the SELECT keyword in a standard VQL query?
Column Selectors
What goes after the FROM keyword?
VQL Plugins
What is followed by the WHERE keyword?
filter expression
What can you type in the Notepad interface to view a list of possible completions for a keyword?
What plugin would you use to run PowerShell code from Velociraptor?
What are the arguments for parse_mft()?
parse_mft(filename="C:/$MFT", accessor="ntfs")
What filter expression will ensure that no directories are returned in the results?
What is the name in the Artifact Exchange to detect Printnightmare?
Per the above instructions, what is your Select clause? (no spaces after commas)
SELECT "C:/" + FullPath AS Full_Path,FileName AS File_Name,parse_pe(file="C:/" + FullPath) AS PE
What is the name of the DLL that was placed by the attacker?
What is the PDB entry?