Linux Forensics
In the attached VM, there is a user account named tryhackme. What is the uid of this account?
Which two users are the members of the group audio?
A session was started on this machine on Sat Apr 16 20:10. How long did this session last?
What is the hostname of the attached VM?
What is the timezone of the attached VM?
What program is listening on the address
What is the full path of this program?
In the bashrc file, the size of the history file is defined. What is the size of the history file that is set for the user Ubuntu in the attached machine?
The user tryhackme used apt-get to install a package. What was the command that was issued?
sudo apt-get install apache2
What was the current working directory when the command to install net-tools was issued?
Though the machine's current hostname is the one we identified in Task 4. The machine earlier had a different hostname. What was the previous hostname of the machine?